Find out now which candidates have the right skill set to excel in the retail world

The platform of choice for HR leaders across industries

Job Role most valued
with Skillvue

Thanks to our state-of-the-art technology and skill tests developed together with top experts and industry leaders, you will be able to recognize the most suitable candidates from the very first step of screening.

Sales Intern
Visual Merchandiser
Cashier* clerk
Brand extension and licensing manager
Sales clerk
Sales assistant
Store manager
New opening manager
Area manager
Try Skillvue

Identify the most skilled and motivated candidates with an innovative approach

Thanks to Skillvue's technology, you can use the structured behavioral interviewing method even on large numbers of candidates, bringing out those best suited for you right away.

Get accurate insights into your candidates' communication and sales skills

Skillvue's test library will allow you to administer skill tests made specifically for retail roles, effectively analyzing all the skills that cannot be missed in your candidates.

Problem Solving
Question 1 of 3
A customer complains aggressively because he has realized that a product he purchased is defective. He demands a refund, but he has lost his receipt and 30 days have passed. How do you handle the situation?

Some simple reasons to choose us

Skill tests created specifically for the retail sector

Optimal handling of large volumes of applicants

Simple but engaging Candidate Experience

Access to reports to provide feedback to candidates