Quickly and easily identify your best insurance candidates

The platform of choice for HR leaders across industries

Job Role most valued
with Skillvue

Thanks to our state-of-the-art technology and skill tests developed together with top experts and industry leaders, you will be able to recognize the most suitable candidates from the very first step of screening.

Insurance managerv*
Claims office manager
Insurance intermediaries* insuredv*.
Insurance agency clerk*
Fiscal analyst
Insurance agentv*
Junior insurance consultantv*
Claims adjuster
Claims management specialist
Try Skillvue

Evaluates large numbers of candidates without losing attention to detail

Give all candidates the opportunity to show you their full potential by automating the skills test and instantly access a detailed report of their performance.

Optimize your time and that of your candidates

Skillvue's speed of assessment will allow you to devote more attention to the interview phase with the selected candidates and give faster and more accurate feedback to all the people assessed, including a report on their performance.

Some simple reasons to choose us

Skill Tests suitable for all types of roles and seniority

Optimal handling of large volumes of applicants

Transparency and objectivity of assessments

Access to detailed reports to give feedback to candidates