Discover our
Soft Skill Technology

With Skillvue's innovative technology you can easily implement the Structured Behavioral Interview methodology in your HR processes.

Analyze the soft skills that are most important to you

Our Skill Test Library contains ready-to-use tests to assess all the soft skills that are essential for your candidates. A test takes 15 minutes in average and gives you results within 2 minutes.
Learn about all the soft skills you can analyze

Rely on a certified methodology

Our solution is based on the theoretical principles of the Structured Behavioral Interview (Behavioural Event Interview), one of the most reliable methods for identifying skills through information provided directly by candidates.
Find out more in the dedicated report

How we automate
the Structured Behavioral Interview

Step 1:
choose the skills you want to assess

Select the Skill Tests you want and the questions that will be asked to candidates from our Library.

Step 2:
invite candidates to the skills test

Take advantage of the SMS and email system to immediately invite candidates to the test. You will be able to personalize the entire communication.

Step 3:
let candidates complete the interview

All candidates have to do is connect to Skillvue from any device and answer situational questions via audio or video.

Step 4:
analyze the results and identify your top candidates

Skillvue will provide you with an overall assessment of the candidates' performance and with further detail on each skill analyzed and question asked.

Your feedback will be more timely and personalized too

Thanks to Skillvue's analysis you will be able to provide personalized and detailed feedback to each candidate with respect to their application and you will be able to include an in-depth report too.