The company
Soft Skills Academy is the first magazine in Italy dedicated to the training and growth of talent from a soft skills perspective. Thanks to its 36 locations scattered throughout Italy, the academy gives partner companies access to a social project that, by training soft skills, makes employees more reliable and responsible. For young people entering the world of work, on the other hand, it offers the opportunity to learn, train and apply these skills both in peer groups and with the support of dedicated mentors.
Why did you choose skillvue?
Roberto Ciccione, Soft Skills Academy's Trainer and Talent Manager, reports that Soft Skills Academy students undergo Skillvue assessment several times during their period of study, so they can measure through unbiased indicators their improvement in the path they have taken. This double-check process is useful not only to measure progress but also to encourage students' enthusiasm for continuous improvement and demonstrates how Skillvue's skill analysis technology can be used effectively not only for selection activities but also for internal skill analysis in both corporate and educational settings.

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