The company
Established as an artisan installation company in the 1970s, Rossato S.p.a. has been operating in the plumbing and alternative energy sector for more than 40 years. It produces integrated systems for air conditioning, heating, domestic hot water and air treatment. It has always placed an eye ontechnological evolution, both in its production systems and in all its internal processes, in order to provide customers with simple yet efficient solutions.
Why did you choose skillvue?
Innovation, accuracy and attention to the direct relationship with the candidate. These are the words that stand out from the narrative that Cristian Rossato, Co-owner of Rossato S.p.a., makes when describing the decision to implement Skillvue in the company's selection processes.

Skillvue has proven to be the perfect innovative solution to perform acomplete and accurate analysis of candidates, giving them the opportunity to fully demonstrate their potential even at a stage when time is short and the applications to be evaluated are often many.

Thanks to the addition of this initial step of automatic, rapid and, above all, objective screening, the company allows all candidates to put themselves out there and at the same time manages to maintain a personal approach with candidates taken to the next steps of the selection funnel.

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