UX Writing - Fundamentals
Product & Design
Hard Skills
These questions are appropriate for a person who will be involved in UX Writing or interface microcopy creation. The multiple-choice questions explore key areas of knowledge, such as the role of microcopy in the user journey and the main modes of writing. They are suitable for people with brief prior experience in UX Writing but with specific training in the roles of design, coding or copywriting.
Topics Covered
- Industry lexicon
- Ux Writing Methodology
- Writing components
- Tool
Author bio

Valentina Di Michele: Content Experience Manager and CEO of Officina Microtesti. Italian godmother of UX Writing, with Officina Microtesti she works with clients such as RCS Corriere della Sera, Aruba SpA, IED, Sky Italia, MailUp, Sisal, Save The Children, Technogym, Infocamere. He teaches UX Writing at LUISS Guido Carli University, ABAQ, NABA, IED, Talent Garden. He founded the Italian Content design, microcopy & UX Writing community. He has written two books on usable and inclusive writing: Emotion Driven Design (with Andrea Fiacchi, Apogeo 2020) and Write and let live (with Alice Orrù and Andrea Fiacchi, Flaco Edizioni 2022).