Talent Management - Fundamentals

Human Resources


Hard Skills

This set of questions will suit someone who will have responsibilities in the area of talent management and retention within a corporate organization. The questions, which are multiple-choice, explore the main areas of knowledge-and therefore trade-offs and decisions-in the hands of this person. They are suitable both for people with short or no prior experience, as long as they have a humanities background with specific preparation in the area of human resources training, and for people with a higher seniority in human resources management.

Covered topics

  1. The identification of talent in an organization
  2. The evaluation criteria
  3. The key capabilities of talents
  4. Talent management in the service of business strategy
  5. Career paths for talent
  6. Developing and retaining talent
  7. Talents in the service of strategic organizational change
  8. The talent management budget
  9. The talent management process at value for all stakeholders
Author bio

Filippo Romanini: Graduate in Nuclear Engineering and Sociology. After a 26-year career in multinational companies TetraPak and Barilla with different roles, from research and development to business innovation, from learning & development to change management, he now makes his expertise available in various collaborations to help companies and teams achieve strategic goals. Expert in Change, HR, and business and process innovation.

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