Qlik - Fundamentals

Data Analysis


Hard Skills

This set of questions is suitable for those who will have responsibilities in the area of Business Intelligence with QlikSense or QlikView tools. The multiple-choice questions explore the fundamentals in Qlik application development, from reading data from external sources, of designing a datamodel, leveraging Qlik's associative engine to designing a dashboard, investigating some principles of Data Visualization and some peculiarities of Qlik product front-end design. They are suitable for people with intermediate and higher seniority.‍

Covered topics

  1. Scripting bases for loading data from external sources
  2. Data Model creation and manipulation instructions
  3. Peculiarities and limitations of the associative model of the QlikEngine
  4. Case Study: Set Analysis
  5. Graphic objects for creating dashboards
  6. Complementary tools for monitoring or report distribution
Author bio

Federico Meneghin: Graduated in Engineering Physics from Politecnico di Milano, he currently holds the position of IT Architecture Professional in Fastweb's Data Platforms team, where he works as a data product developer with QlikSense. He gained experience as a developer of data warehouse solutions in SDG Group, before joining the professional services team of the software house Board, with the role of Consultant. In 2021 he joined Accenture, where he began his career path as a front-end expert with QlikSense in IoT projects.

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