Payroll Processing

Human Resources


Hard Skills

This set of questions is suitable for those who will be responsible for all payroll and tax/contribution processing activities within a business organization with internal coupon processing. The multiple-choice questions explore the main areas of knowledge needed to fully perform these tasks. They are suitable for people with intermediate to advanced seniority levels.

Covered topics

  1. Hiring/termination requirements.
  2. Labor cost determination
  3. Severance Taxation
  4. Obligations to Entities
  5. Contributory and tax liabilities for various types of wage/contractual institutions
Author bio

Payroll Coordinator: Has worked in administration and payroll for 40 years. He was the Manager in Personnel Administration/Payroll of companies from 500 to 2,000 employees, belonging to international groups. He ended his career as Payroll Team Manager in Chiesi Pharmaceuticals, after working there for more than 15 years.

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