Italian B2

Transversal Skills


Hard Skills

The multiple-choice questions explore the main areas of knowledge: grammar, verbs, pronouns and adjectives for level B2 (Progress Level). The topics covered in this test, use the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) as a reference. It also follows the CILS (Certification of Italian as a Foreign Language) Guidelines of the University of Siena for Foreigners. The candidate is able to understand the basic ideas of complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialization.

Covered topics

  1. Advanced vocabulary
  2. Verbs: past indicative remote, future indicative anterior, imperfect subjunctive
  3. Connectives in complex sentences
  4. Combined pronouns
  5. Indefinite adjectives
Author bio

Luciana Schivardi: For 14 years, she has been a teacher of Italian as a Foreign Language (L2) at CPIA school and administers CILS exams (Italian Certification as a Foreign Language, University of Siena). Previously, experience as Italian Language Teacher in London (2004-2009) at evening schools for adults; in Brussels (2009) at EU institutions.

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