GDPR & Internal Corporate Policies

Cyber Security


Hard Skills

This set of questions is suitable for those who will be handling data within a company the regulations and case studies provided and proposed by the Privacy Authority. The multiple-choice questions explore the world and procedures of proper data processing in corporate and digital contexts.

Covered topics

1. Proper handling of data
2. Behaviors in case of Data Breach
3. Update and self-training
4. Management of company-customer communications

Author bio

Alessio Mattei: Social Engineering Cyber Security Specialist, entrepreneur, trainer and consultant on the topics of Cyber Security, Cyber Intelligence, OSINT, SOCMINT, Human Hacking and Social Engineering. He collaborates with experts and different entities in the fields of Cyber Security, psychology and criminology, GDPR and privacy. He highlights these topics in different areas and collaborating with different companies (Swascan - Tinexta Group; Reale Mutua Assicurazioni), universities (LUM University; LinkCamPus University; FIAss for UNiFAD), academies (Cysea - Cyber Security Academy), law enforcement. He always tries to bring up-to-date content with demos and demonstrations to let people "touch" what he is dealing with. For that reason, he also published an article "Data breach search engine: this is how criminal hackers find our passwords" on

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