FP&A / Financial Planning and Analysis
Accounting & Finance
Hard Skills
This set of questions is suitable for those who will serve in the role of Controller and Planner in a medium- or large-sized company. The multiple choice questions explore the main areas of knowledge-and therefore trade-offs and decisions-in the hands of this person. They are suitable for people with short or no prior experience, with specific background in the area of planning and control, as well as for people with higher seniority in a company's finance.
Topics covered.
- Budgeting process
- Classification of costs
- Indicators/ KPIs to carry out the analysisControl system
- Financial measures for shareholder performance
- Deviation analysis
Author bio

Cristiano Busco: Graduated in Economics and Banking Science from the University of Siena with a Master's degree from Manchester Business School (UK). After receiving his PhD in management and accounting from the University of Manchester, he held positions in the United States (Babson College, Boston, University of Southern California, Los Angeles), the United Kingdom (Manchester Business School) and Italian universities (University of Siena). He is currently Full Professor of Accounting and Reporting at both Luiss Guido Carli University in Rome and the University of Roehampton London Business School. Prior to joining Luiss, he was Head of the Accounting and Finance disciplines and Head of the Performance Management cluster of the Whitaker Research Institute for Innovation and Societal Change.

Elisa Fiore: She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Economics & Management and a Master's Degree in Administration, Finance and Control, both from LUISSGuido Carli. In the course of which she studied abroad at the University ofCopenhagen and Tilburg University. He worked in the Finance team of LeonardoS.p.A., holding the position of Program Controller. He currently holds the position of PhD Candidate in Management and is developing his research project with focus on Accounting and Sustainability subjects, under the supervision of Full Professor Cristiano Busco. He serves as Teaching Assistant in the Planning and Controlling course.