B2B e-mail marketing



Hard Skills

This set of questions is suitable for those who will have responsibilities in the area of organizing and managing B2B e-mail marketing. The multiple-choice questions are suitable both for people with short prior experience, provided they have specific training in the marketing area, and for people with intermediate or higher seniority.

Topics Covered

  1. Knowledge of the email marketing scenario
  2. Knowledge of the B2B scenario
  3. Knowledge of technical terms and analysis metrics
Author bio

Elisa Cortello: Graduate in Public Relations and Advertising with Master's degree in Big data & Business Analytics, Business Strategy & Analytics. She currently holds the position of Customer Relationship Manager in Triboo Group. Previously worked for several companies, such as Boraso and HootSuite. Focused on B2B market on specific Country: Italy, Gcc Country, Spain, UK, Far East, thanks to her experience in CRM management and Lead generation strategies. Responsible for the Triboo Academy with which she creates events and trainings for client companies and prospects. In addition to this, she is responsible for the Group's Strategic Partnerships: Confimprese, ITA/ICE, Assocalzaturifici, Promos Italia. She is a speaker in the Master Retail & Sales Management at IULM University on the subject of CRM and Marketing Automation.

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