Design Research
Product & Design
Hard Skills
This set of questions is suitable for hybrid professionals in the role of process facilitator in business or other project contexts. The multiple-choice questions explore soft skills useful in planning and delivering a workshop, designing ad hoc formats, and leading codesign and open innovation events. They are suitable both for people who want to specialize in this role or for professionals who want to develop facilitation skills within their own projects, and for people with short experience, provided they have some maturity in managing groups of people and complex situations.
Topics Covered
- Define the objectives of the research
- Designing a research plan
- Qualitative research techniques (mystery shopping, shadowingm, user diaries)
- Selling the value of people-centered research
- Recruiting participants for research
- Observation and field research
- Profiling users (design personas)
- Using prototypes
- Executive report and research summary
- Translating problem statements into generative questions
- Exploring new concepts and future scenarios
- Deliverables for the development team
- Improving a service's internal processes
- Monitor and evaluate customer satisfaction
Author bio

Commonground srl: Commonground is a service design studio based in Bologna, specializing in research, training and facilitation of participatory processes. They propose a design approach to classic consulting, in which they mix disciplines and give life to a design space in which to confront, share knowledge and experiment with new tools. They are process experts and work with domain experts in different fields to design innovative people- and business-friendly solutions. For more than 10 years they have been organizing training courses on user-centered design, and facilitating co-design and innovation paths, creating ad hoc formats for public administrations, private clients (corporate, startups and SMEs) and the third sector.