Effective Communication
Transversal Skills
Transversal Skills
This set of questions is designed for all those professionals who by role or type of activity are involved in communication (internal or external), external relations, customer - stakeholder contact in medium or large size companies. The situational, multiple-choice questions explore the main areas of knowledge in the field of effective communication, both personal and corporate. They are suitable for people with short or no previous experience as well as for people with higher seniority in the field of communication.
Covered topics
- Internal/external communication
- Contact with customers
- Verbal communication
- Nonverbal communication
- Effective communication techniques
Author bio

Paolo Bozzacchi: For more than 20 years in the field of Communication, he is a journalist, anchorman, TV and radio author, has been coaching, structuring Public Speaking Courses, Media Training and Effective Communication for international companies, top corporate figures and political personalities for more than 5 years. He is currently Co-Director of the online newspaper The Watcher Post, for which he hosts the TV format Largo Chigi, View on Politics. He worked for more than 10 years as an author between Rai and La7 and directed Enel Tv and Enel Radio for five years. Among the newspapers for which he has written: Italia Oggi and Internazionale. He has collaborated with the Italian Representation of the European Commission and the Young Entrepreneurs Movement of Confindustria.