Compensation & Benefits - Fundamentals

Human Resources


Hard Skills

This set of questions is suitable for those who will have responsibilities in the area of compensation and benefits within a corporate organization. The multiple-choice questions explore key specific knowledge about theories, methods, and tools aimed at testing the consistency of compensation elements and defining or redefining corporate compensation strategies and policies. They are suitable for people with higher seniority.

Topics covered.

  1. Incentive plans
  2. Grading and benchmarking
  3. Retention
  4. Salary review
  5. Executive compensation
  6. Taxation and benefits management
  7. Cost controlling
Author bio

Michele Wolfango Fogli: Law graduate. HR professional with experience in Compensation & Benefits, gained experience with international companies belonging to different sectors. He currently holds the position of HR Development & Compensation Specialist at Maire Tecnimont Group. He previously had the opportunity to develop his expertise on incentive plans, compensation guidelines, benefits package management, and labor regulations at Roche and Novartis.

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