Clean Code

Software Development


Hard Skills

This set of questions is suitable for those who will have responsibilities in the development area of a business organization. The multiple choice questions explore the main areas of knowledge about Clean Code concepts. They are suitable for people with higher seniority.‍

Covered topics

  1. Definitions and Terminologies 
  2. The principles of the Clean Code
  3. Recommended practices
Author bio

Aulab: It is the first Italian Coding Factory active since 2014 in the field of training and software development. With their courses they train resources in the IT field to be placed in companies. They are also a software house, where many students have the opportunity to put into practice what they have learned during the training courses for Web Developers. Thanks to the Coworking Tech space in Bari and the internal Software House, Aulab students can experience on the field the skills needed to become web developers, getting in touch with a network of professionals in the field and going to numerous opportunities.

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