AB Testing for E-Commerce



Hard Skills

This set of questions is suitable for someone who will have responsibilities in the area of e-commerce performance management for a medium- to large-sized company. The questions, which are multiple choice, explore knowledge about A/B Testing in the hands of this person. They are suitable for people with high seniority.

Topics Covered

  1. Statistical analysis of data
  2. Monitoring A/B test
  3. A/B test design
  4. RFM analysis
Author bio

Gerald Bala: He is currently chief operating officer of pirai Web and Conversion Rate Optimization panager for pirai Bay. He has worked both directly and as a consultant with internationally renowned brands such as Amedei, poto.it, Nashi Argan, Joe Bastianich, La Nordica Extraflame and many others. He leads a team specialized in Digital parketing, UX, UI, Web Design and CRO. He constantly studies new techniques and solutions to improve the user experience (UX) and interface (UI) of each site based on data and user behavior on web platforms, to apply them in his work. He has taught training courses for Bip, IFTS Leader and Growth Hacking Italia. In 2019 he was on the winning team of the Italian edition of Amazon's Alexa Cup.

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